VMC Machines

VMC Machines

Buy the most efficient and low-maintenance Vertical Machining Centre Machines (VMC) from India’s leading VMC manufacturers and suppliers

Zico Machines is one of the fastest-growing manufacturers and suppliers of VMC machines in India. We are a trusted name in this industry for our excellent quality, geometrical accuracies and low maintenance needs.

We build dependable, durable, and reasonably priced VMC machines, that make us an iconic name in the Indian market. Using high-grade tools and machinery has helped us maintain consistent product quality that our customers rave about.

Here’s what makes Zico, the most trusted VMC machine manufacturer and supplier in India-

About Zico Machines Pvt. Ltd.

Zico Machines Pvt. Ltd., was established in the year 2021 to bring to Delhi NCR best machines under made in India regime of our Honourable Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi.
Zico will established itself as a leading name in the Indian Machine Tool Industry with its network of strong sales and service support and professional management.


Zico Machines Pvt. Ltd., was established in the year 2021 to bring to Delhi NCR best machines under make in India regime.

Mission & Vision

Our target is to make our presence in all sectors, specially die mould very soon.


We have developed our product basket in such a way that we can cater to a very wide range of industrial needs.

Our Services

Zico Machines Pvt. Ltd., team of highly experienced and dedicated professionals, are eager to provide quality service to customers.